Friday, June 27, 2008

Can anyone say "Blais promo materials"

Name: Candy Fab
Material: Granulated sugar
Price: Estimated at $500 (sugar packets not included)
What it does: You mean, besides make Homer Simpson drool? Developed by Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories—aka the do-it-yourself family of Windell H. Oskay, Lenore M. Edman and their two children—Candy Fab [inset] resembles high-end industrial fabbers in that it prints by fusing a layer of grains in selected spots. Instead of plastic, however, those grains are sugar. To cut costs, the Evil Labs crew replaced the multi-thousand dollar laser with a $10 heating coil similar to what you'd find in a hair dryer. The result: geometric confections including dodecahedra, M?s strips and sugary helices like the one shown here. Willy Wonka would approve.Where to get one: Not for sale yet.
Whet your appetite on Candy Fab's Web site.

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